La bellezza sfiorita della finanza#14

Paul de Sury

The enduring myth of gold#14

Roberto Ruozi

Debito, finanza buona e finanza cattiva#14

Jody Vender

Banking Supervision for Dummies#14

Basel 1- 2 - 3 - 4
Giuliano Iannotta

Traders & Schadenfreude#14

Giovanni Mariotti

A new paradigm for Economics#14

From the allocation of scarce resources to the science of innovation
Gianmario Verona

Art auctions#14

The informative role of pre-sale estimates
Brunella Bruno & Giacomo Nocera


Seminal principles for a socioeconomic revolution
Samuele Liosca

The ontology of money#14

Geoffrey Ingham

Pedophilia, an economic epiphenomenon?#14

Fosco Bianchetti

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